Sunday 8 August 2010

Find the Motivation to Lose Weight

Find the motivation to lose weight 

It may be hard to find motivation to lose weight - especially when you are at the stage where you have to do it all and you have not yet begun, or if you are off track, and you're going through a difficult period - and you try to stick to your way. 

This article was written to help you move your focus to the personal and the wider causes of weight loss, and as a result will help you find the motivation to lose weight. Take that connects with you personally in your situation and use it to motivate you to take and continue to take steps that will lead to success. 

Personal reasons: emphasis on the benefits of weight loss 

First, here are some personal benefits, which can act as motivation causes you to lose weight: 

You will look fantastic

When you lose weight you will look fantastic, as a result feel much more confident about themselves and others. You will no longer feel conscious or dissatisfied with their appearance, and you'll feel a sense of pride in themselves and their body 

You'll feel happier and have a high level of Self Esteem

Losing weight will cause you to get a high level of self-esteem - not just from searching high, but from a sense of personal power and achievement that come from overcoming what can be a serious problem for you in your life (so far!). As a result, deciding that you are no longer willing to settle for less in your life - deciding to lose weight and achieve the body you truly desire, and then make it happen, will give you a powerful inner strength that will make you feel fantastic about yourself and help you succeed even in other important areas of your life.

You'll work more productively and energy

On your ideal weight you will feel better, and this, combined with increased levels of energy that you get from exercising and generally eat healthy foods to make you more productive and Vivrant in your life. You can do more - at work and in personal life. As a result, increase energy efficiency and productivity you will have a greater chance of success at work - which can lead to higher wages and more attractive offers to work in other countries. And in my personal life you will have more fun and excitement, because the increase in energy would mean that you will be able to do more on weekends - at a time before, you may still result in fatigue and exhaustion.You open yourself to more success and enhance fun, excitement and variety in your day to day, week after week, and the common life as a result of successful weight loss.

Great Causes: focuses on reasons beyond his

Above 3 good examples of personal ought to lose weight, and the reasons for this it that when you focus on them can act as powerful motivators. In addition, another powerful way to find the motivation to lose weight, we focus on the reasons that go beyond the following:

To be there and able to give the maximum to your family, friends, relatives 

If you are a parent, children may be particularly powerful "reasons outside of themselves" to losing weight. By feeling happy and having a higher level of self-esteem, you will be happier and better parents. At higher levels of energy, you'll also be able to give more to them to have more energy to play with them and take them to the event. As a result, both they and you will have more fun and happiness as a result of successful weight loss. If you're not a parent, loss of weight will also help you to be there, happier, and give more of your partner or husband / wife, your family and your friends with similar ways.

In addition to these things, we are more likely to receive potentially life-threatening illnesses like cancer and heart disease when we are overweight - it is, losing weight you also reduce risk and increase your chances of long-term continues to be here in peace for family, friends , children and all others who need, love and care about you, in your life. 

Making Difference - Be inspired, role model and positive example for others 

Often we do not do what we really want to do, because we do not believe we can, or because we fear failing. Successful weight loss you will be inspiration and role model for others, you will be an example of the opportunities and success. After reaching the ideal weight and healthy life, to be in the form you will demonstrate to others that they can do themselves. Thus you will make a difference in the lives of others, helping to inspire them to improve their lives, losing successfully lose weight and live a happy and healthy life. 

Achieving a lasting motivation to lose weight, mainly due to the advantages and reasons for losing weight - such as those above - this step and you are important to you, and focus on them on a regular basis so that they act as a driving force your actions. Find the motivation to lose weight by identifying the advantages and reasons for weight loss that will take you on a personal and on a wider level, and then make a habit of using them to constantly motivate yourself to achieve weight loss success you really desire.

Monday 2 August 2010

Motivation to Lose Weight - How to Set a Goal

Motivation is the main thing that makes us to do thing we would like not to. I mean of course we would like to do these things. But in the way to get the result. We would be willing to skip the whole process and reach the final point only. For example - money. Most of people hate their job. Or when they are neutral to their job or even they love their job, in most cases these people would do something different instead of their job if they had sufficient passive income. In this case money motivates you to get up early in the morning regardless weather outside the window or late party the day before. Your salary motivates you to do so much effort 5 days a week. Even not a salary, but the benefits you can buy for money you get - food, house, clothes, entertainment. 

The same with other fields of our lives. The same with losing weight. It's not enough to be motivated only at the start. It is very important to keep your motivation to lose weight until you reach the point you want. There are many cases when a person full of energy start his or her diet or workout program and give up in a couple of weeks. You find this familiar, don't you? 

Actually I can write a book about how to maintain motivation to lose weight. There can be told so many things and aspects that it could result in several volumes. But now I would like to tell you about the first and the main step you should do – set a goal – and how it should be done.

First of all, carefully analyze and think what result you want to achieve by the end of your program. The best way is to think about the things you want to have or improve and make a list of them. For example: excellent fitness shape, fit in your favorite red dress or suit, to have great health, to run a marathon, etc. There are hundreds or even thousands of such things. I am going to publish a list with much-much more of them to my Motivation to Lose Weight blog soon.

Then define the parameters how to know you've reached your goal. For example, 100 pounds (down from 200), body particular measurements (which you want to have), to be able to run 10 miles in a row, etc.

After that you should make a plan how you are going to achieve your goal. You should plan every week or better day what are you going to do in order to achieve your goal. Write out every step. I recommend you plan your meals for the week, buy your products in advance so you can avoid evil snacks like crisps or cheeseburgers.

When you’ve done all this, next step is start! Just move forward and get it! Do not postpone to another day, start right now! And remember, whenever you will need motivation to lose weight, you already know where to find me!